Ik ga ook een kaart op een andere naam bestellen
vrijdag 27 november 2009
History of our monetair system and the power of the system.
And their influence,fraude, and war.
Part 2 shows a relation of monetair system and their power (the elite).
Rothchilds and monetarian influence .
http://zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/documentaire_the_ascent_of_moneyBBC documentaire (6 video's).
donderdag 26 november 2009
Obama, Pakistan and the US empire
Tariq Ali - Obama, Pakistan and the US empire
More info at:
More info at:
The Thanksgiving Massacre
The Thanksgiving Massacre
Thanksgiving is a holiday where families gather to share stories, football games are watched on television and a big feast is served. It is also the time of the month when people talk about Native Americans. But does one ever wonder why we celebrate this national holiday? Why does everyone give thanks?
History is never simple. The standard history of Thanksgiving tells us that the “Pilgrims and Indians” feasted for three days, right? Most Americans believe that there was some magnificent bountiful harvest. In the Thanksgiving story, are the “Indians” even acknowledged by a tribe? No, because everyone assumes “Indians” are the same. So, who were these Indians in 1621?
In 1620, Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower naming the land Plymouth Rock. One fact that is always hidden is that the village was already named Patuxet and the Wampanoag Indians lived there for thousands of years. To many Americans, Plymouth Rock is a symbol. Sad but true many people assume, “It is the rock on which our nation began.” In 1621, Pilgrims did have a feast but it was not repeated years thereafter. So, it wasn’t the beginning of a Thanksgiving tradition nor did Pilgrims call it a Thanksgiving feast. Pilgrims perceived Indians in relation to the Devil and the only reason why they were invited to that feast was for the purpose of negotiating a treaty that would secure the lands for the Pilgrims. The reason why we have so many myths about Thanksgiving is that it is an invented tradition. It is based more on fiction than fact.
So, what truth ought to be taught? In 1637, the official Thanksgiving holiday we know today came into existence. (Some people argue it formally came into existence during the Civil War, in 1863, when President Lincoln proclaimed it, which also was the same year he had 38 Sioux hung on Christmas Eve.) William Newell, a Penobscot Indian and former chair of the anthropology department of the University of Connecticut, claims that the first Thanksgiving was not “a festive gathering of Indians and Pilgrims, but rather a celebration of the massacre of 700 Pequot men, women and children.” In 1637, the Pequot tribe of Connecticut gathered for the annual Green Corn Dance ceremony. Mercenaries of the English and Dutch attacked and surrounded the village; burning down everything and shooting whomever try to escape. The next day, Newell notes, the Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony declared: “A day of Thanksgiving, thanking God that they had eliminated over 700 men, women and children.” It was signed into law that, “This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots.” Most Americans believe Thanksgiving was this wonderful dinner and harvest celebration. The truth is the “Thanksgiving dinner” was invented both to instill a false pride in Americans and to cover up the massacre.
Was Thanksgiving really a massacre of 700 “Indians”? The present Thanksgiving may be a mixture of the 1621 three-day feast and the “Thanksgiving” proclaimed after the 1637 Pequot massacre. So next time you see the annual “Pilgrim and Indian display” in a shopping window or history about other massacres of Native Americans, think of the hurt and disrespect Native Americans feel. Thanksgiving is observed as a day of sorrow rather than a celebration. This year at Thanksgiving dinner, ponder why you are giving thanks.
William Bradford, in his famous History of the Plymouth Plantation, celebrated the Pequot massacre:
“Those that scraped the fire were slaine with the sword; some hewed to peeces, others rune throw with their rapiers, so as they were quickly dispatchte, and very few escapted. It was conceived they thus destroyed about 400 at this time. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fyer, and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stincke and sente there of, but the victory seemed a sweete sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to inclose their enemise in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so proud and insulting an enimie.”The Pequot massacre came after the colonists, angry at the murder of an English trader suspected by the Pequots of kidnapping children, sought revenge. rather than fighting the dangerous Pequot warriors, John Mason and John Underhill led a group of colonists and Native allies to the Indian fort in Mystic, and killed the old men, women, and children who were there. Those who escaped were later hunted down. The Pequot tribe numbered 8,000 when the Pilgrims arrived, but disease had brought their numbers down to 1,500 by 1637. The Pequot “War” killed all but a handful of remaining members of the tribe.
Proud of their accomplishments, Underhill wrote a book (above) depicted the burning of the village, and even made an illustration showing how they surrounded the village to kill all within it.
Thanksgiving is a holiday where families gather to share stories, football games are watched on television and a big feast is served. It is also the time of the month when people talk about Native Americans. But does one ever wonder why we celebrate this national holiday? Why does everyone give thanks?
History is never simple. The standard history of Thanksgiving tells us that the “Pilgrims and Indians” feasted for three days, right? Most Americans believe that there was some magnificent bountiful harvest. In the Thanksgiving story, are the “Indians” even acknowledged by a tribe? No, because everyone assumes “Indians” are the same. So, who were these Indians in 1621?
In 1620, Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower naming the land Plymouth Rock. One fact that is always hidden is that the village was already named Patuxet and the Wampanoag Indians lived there for thousands of years. To many Americans, Plymouth Rock is a symbol. Sad but true many people assume, “It is the rock on which our nation began.” In 1621, Pilgrims did have a feast but it was not repeated years thereafter. So, it wasn’t the beginning of a Thanksgiving tradition nor did Pilgrims call it a Thanksgiving feast. Pilgrims perceived Indians in relation to the Devil and the only reason why they were invited to that feast was for the purpose of negotiating a treaty that would secure the lands for the Pilgrims. The reason why we have so many myths about Thanksgiving is that it is an invented tradition. It is based more on fiction than fact.

William Bradford, in his famous History of the Plymouth Plantation, celebrated the Pequot massacre:
“Those that scraped the fire were slaine with the sword; some hewed to peeces, others rune throw with their rapiers, so as they were quickly dispatchte, and very few escapted. It was conceived they thus destroyed about 400 at this time. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fyer, and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stincke and sente there of, but the victory seemed a sweete sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to inclose their enemise in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so proud and insulting an enimie.”The Pequot massacre came after the colonists, angry at the murder of an English trader suspected by the Pequots of kidnapping children, sought revenge. rather than fighting the dangerous Pequot warriors, John Mason and John Underhill led a group of colonists and Native allies to the Indian fort in Mystic, and killed the old men, women, and children who were there. Those who escaped were later hunted down. The Pequot tribe numbered 8,000 when the Pilgrims arrived, but disease had brought their numbers down to 1,500 by 1637. The Pequot “War” killed all but a handful of remaining members of the tribe.
Proud of their accomplishments, Underhill wrote a book (above) depicted the burning of the village, and even made an illustration showing how they surrounded the village to kill all within it.
woensdag 25 november 2009
Stop de opslag van vingerafdrukken
Stop de opslag van vingerafdrukken
Sinds 21 september dit jaar slaat onze regering de vingerafdrukken van alle Nederlanders op, met de bedoeling ze in een centrale database te verzamelen. De beslissing om deze database aan te leggen is geruisloos door de Eerste en Tweede Kamer geloodst. En nu lijkt de Nederlandse burger voor een voldongen feit te staan: wie een nieuw paspoort of nieuwe identiteitskaart haalt, is verplicht vingerafdrukken af te geven. Maar wat zijn de risico's, wat is het nut en is dit juridisch toelaatbaar? Wij maken ons hier grote zorgen over!
Daarbij komt dat de overheid met deze database criminaliteit niet beter kan bestrijden. Vingerafdrukken zijn eenvoudig na te maken en het risico op identiteitsfraude is dus groot. Bovendien wordt de database een interessant doelwit voor criminelen, die zo in één slag de beschikking kunnen krijgen over persoonlijke gegevens van alle Nederlanders die vanaf 21 september een nieuw reisdocument aanvragen.
Sinds 21 september dit jaar slaat onze regering de vingerafdrukken van alle Nederlanders op, met de bedoeling ze in een centrale database te verzamelen. De beslissing om deze database aan te leggen is geruisloos door de Eerste en Tweede Kamer geloodst. En nu lijkt de Nederlandse burger voor een voldongen feit te staan: wie een nieuw paspoort of nieuwe identiteitskaart haalt, is verplicht vingerafdrukken af te geven. Maar wat zijn de risico's, wat is het nut en is dit juridisch toelaatbaar? Wij maken ons hier grote zorgen over!
Het doel van de databank is "veiligheid". Maar deze en vergelijkbare maatregelen, maken Nederland voor iedere burger juist minder veilig. Het opslaan van de vingerafdrukken van alle Nederlanders in één gigantische database leidt tot hoge kosten en is vrijwel niet meer terug te draaien. De verzameldrift ten behoeve van de veiligheid suggereert ook dat wij allemaal als potentiële verdachten worden gezien. Het maakt misbruik van deze gegevens bovendien veel makkelijker. Hierdoor verandert de machtsbalans tussen overheid en burgers ingrijpend. En wie weet wie er over 20 jaar aan de macht is?

Het verbaast niet dat de aanleg en gebruik van deze vingerafdrukkendatabase op gespannen voet staat met het grondrecht op privacy, zoals vastgelegd in artikel 10 van de Nederlandse Grondwet en artikel 8 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens. Ook het College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP), verschillende onderzoekers, hoogleraren en deskundigen op het gebied van informatica, rechtspsychologie, computerbeveiliging en zelfs de Europese Toezichthouder voor Gegevensbescherming hebben zich zeer kritisch uitgelaten over deze ontwikkeling.
De Nederlandse regering wil het doen lijken alsof zij deze database op grond van Europese wetgeving aanlegt. Maar dat is niet het geval. Het doel van de Europese wetgeving is alleen het verifiëren van de houder van het paspoort of identiteitskaart en de authenticiteit van het document. Wij vinden het onaanvaardbaar dat deze gegevens kunnen worden gebruikt voor een ander doel. Het is nog niet te laat: de centrale database is er nòg niet.
Meer op
doei anwb lidmaatschap i.v.m. kilometerheffing
Dit heb ik opgezegd i.v.m. de goedkeuring van de kilometerheffing door anwb.
Ik blijf niet betalen voor een organistie die zoiets wil goedkeuren.!!
Ik dacht voordat het verlengd word meteen opzeggen!
De brief:
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
Bij deze beëindig ik mijn lidmaatschap bij u PER DIRECT.
Mijn persoonsgegevens die u hier voor nodig heeft staan onder aan in de brief.
Ik wil niet dat mijn abonnement automatisch verlengd word .
Reden hiervoor:
Het achterwegen laten van steun voor uw eigen klanten ,
en het benadelen van andere weggebruikers.
En onvoorwaardelijke steun aan schandalige plannen.
Ik kan alleen maar hopen dat meer mensen mijn voorbeeld volgen en u laat zien dat u als organisatie af heeft gedaan vanwege uw onsmakelijke rol in de invoering van de kilometerheffing.
Ik kan alleen maar zeggen bij uw concurrent (www.routemobiel.nl)ben ik ook nog eens flink goedkoper uit.
Ondanks een stormvloed van mails, allen met gegronde redenen, tegen de kilometerheffing gaat u akkoord (mits de spitstarieven goed zijn bevonden) met bovenvermelde heffing.
Hierbij spreekt u over geen privacy schending op uw site terwijl u weet dat de gegevens van het
gps-systeem , dus inclusief plaats tijd en locatie, regelrecht naar een centrale opslag worden gestuurd en word bewaard. Mijn persoonlijke gegevens dus!
U weet wel te melden dat er voor justitie eventueel meer opsporingsmogelijkheden zijn terwijl u eerst uw klanten gerust stelt dat er geen privé gegevens worden verstuurd. Dit spreekt elkaar behoorlijk tegen!Dit ondanks de vele , goedkopere, eerlijkere en niet privacy-schendende mogelijkheden die veel beter en goedkoper zijn in te voeren.
Diefstal identiteit
Alles wat door de lucht word gestuurd kan door een apparaatje opgevangen worden.
Als de gegevens van mij op zouden worden gevangen kan de persoon op mijn naam gaan rondrijden.
En waar kan ik dan terecht? Wie betaald mijn proceskosten?
Oneerlijke belasting van de burger
Met uw advies stemt u in met oneerlijke belasting van de burgers. Namelijk een burger met een oude auto (en laag loon) kan enorm veel gaan betalen. Terwijl een yup met een dikke knip lekker een enorme (extra) grote,zware pooierbak kan gaan kopen. Dankzij de afschaffing van de aanschaf-belasting (nou dat is milieu bevorderlijk zeg?!). De yup kan naast goedkoop een auto kopen dus ook nog eens goedkoop rijden (weinig eurocent per km vanwege zijn nieuwe “zuinige” pooierbak).
Variabele kosten
In hoeverre is het mogelijk dingen vast te leggen betreffende deze flexibele
belasting heffing?
Spitstarieven.......dit is gewoon al een te gek onderwerp om over na te denken.
Omdat de overheid niks aan de echte problemen doet moet iedereen en weer vooral de mensen die elke dag op de zelfde tijd naar hun werk moeten gaan betalen, om elke dag in een file vast te staan? En dus niet de yup die zijn eigen tijd kan indelen en de files kan mijden(nog een voordeeltje).
Te bespottelijk om te overwegen. Het falen van de overheid verhalen op de burger .
En toch doet u het!!
U weet best dat de mensen geen keus hebben om op andere tijden naar het werk te gaan!!!!
Flinke waardeverminderingen auto's
Een echte oplossing is er ook nog niet voor al die mooie dure auto's die nu zijn gekocht.
Die zijn na invoering van de kilometerheffing ineens niks meer waard. Dit omdat de aanschafbelasting niet meer bestaat. Leuk waarde verlies. Hoest het maar ff op.
Aanschaf kastje en onderhoud beurt
Waar ik ook niks over hoor is dat het k..kastje niet geheel kosteloos is voor de belastingbetaler.
Bij aanschaf moet er een deel worden betaald door de autorijder.
Die dingen zullen ook wel om de zoveel keer moeten worden gekeurd.
Ook de kosten van de burger?
Vernieling privé eigendom
Die auto's is het privé eigendom van de chauffeur!
Ik wil niet zo'n gps kastje in mijn auto.
En als ik gps een beetje ken moet de antenne vrije hemel hebben. Moet ik dat kreng dadelijk op mijn mooie dashboard gaan bouwen?
Niet dat ik hem onder mijn motorkap wil hebben. Ik wil helemaal niets op mijn eigendom wat ik er niet zelf wil hebben !
Waar kan ik terecht met misstanden.
En sterker nog hoe moet ik mijn zaak verdedigen?
Alle gegevens zijn opgeslagen,goed of fout. Hoe zou ik me ooit kunnen verdedigen?
Dit is niet te doen.
Wat betreft het vrachtverkeer. De binnenlandse transportsector zal het nog
moeilijk krijgen dan. Vervoerders zullen waarschijnlijk lage loon arbeiders met eigen trucks inhuren. Zodat ze over de Nederlandse wegen kunnen rijden zonder kastjes zoals
tachograaf en kilometerheffing-kastje. En dan is sjoemelen een kinderwerk.
En verhalen van boetes/kilometers zeer moeilijk en arbeidsintensief omdat die mensen met hun
eigen trucks rijden. Om het nog maar niet te hebben over de doorberekening van vervoerskosten op de producten in de winkel.
Netherlands escaped meltdown reactor in Petten

Nederland ontkwam in 2001 op een haar na aan een ernstig ongeluk in de kernreactor in Petten. Oud ECN-directeur Frans Saris onthult dit in zijn boek 'Darwin meets Einstein', dat gisteren is uitgekomen. Op 16 november 2001 viel de netstroom uit en bleek de noodstroomvoorziening van de kernreactor niet te werken. Op het laatste moment is een meltdown uitgebleven. Een meltdown is het ernstigste nucleaire ongeluk dat denkbaar is.
A documentary on the recent attack in Gaza
A documentary on the recent attack in Gaza. The film begins with the entry of the fifth and last Free Gaza Movement boat to make it to Gaza before covering the impact of the siege and harrowing events during the 22-day assault including attacks on Civil Defence centres, paramedics, children, and the UN HQ.
dinsdag 24 november 2009
State Secretary Ank Bijleveld (CDA)reported the distribution(at the justice department) of a leaflet which are zalling for people to tattoo their social security numbers tattooed on the arm.
Respect for thi really good action for the humanright of privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Respect! LOL. very nice
State Secretary Ank Bijleveld (CDA The netherlands)reported the distribution(at the justice department) of a leaflet which are zalling for people to tattoo their social security numbers tattooed on the arm. This, the Ministry announced Tuesday.
The leaflet has recently distributed door-to-door in several places, including the four big cities. The layout gives the impression the folder coming from the government, which "obviously not" the case, reports the bijleveld.
Bijleveld calls the folder tasteless, including the associations with the Holocaust because that folder might pose. She hopes that people realize that the folder does not come from the government and that they must not get confused.
Respect! LOL. very nice
State Secretary Ank Bijleveld (CDA The netherlands)reported the distribution(at the justice department) of a leaflet which are zalling for people to tattoo their social security numbers tattooed on the arm. This, the Ministry announced Tuesday.
The leaflet has recently distributed door-to-door in several places, including the four big cities. The layout gives the impression the folder coming from the government, which "obviously not" the case, reports the bijleveld.
Bijleveld calls the folder tasteless, including the associations with the Holocaust because that folder might pose. She hopes that people realize that the folder does not come from the government and that they must not get confused.
The folder is the logo of the national government, together with the text "The New Kingdom goes further than you think. It seems to be a stunt that a group called the 'New Kingdom' protests against the central storage of fingerprints to be taken in issuing new passports.
"Have you seen a new Dutch passport or identity card applications?", Is in the folder. "Are you taking fingerprints stored in the central database, please read this leaflet. And now let ,for free, tattoo your citizen service number,on your arm"
The planet needs you. Do something
What did you do about it
We need to help the planet
Help ourselfs the people
help our grand grand kids
Planetize the Movement from drew dellinger on Vimeo.
We need to help the planet
Help ourselfs the people
help our grand grand kids
Planetize the Movement from drew dellinger on Vimeo.
Movie: In a videocracy the key to power is the image.Tv rules italy
Television rules whole of italy
In Italy one man only has kept the domination of the image over three entire decades. As a TV-magnate and then as Presidente, Silvio Berlusconi has created a perfect system of TV-entertainment and politics.
Like no one else he has influenced the content of commercial television in Italy. His TV-channels, known for their over-exposure of almost naked girls, are seen by many as a mirror of his own taste and personality.
Director Erik Gandini lives in Sweden but was born and brought up in Italy.

maandag 23 november 2009
Japanese streetracing. samurai lives. Have no fear
Japanese streetracing
blows your mind.
Samurai spirits running free
Have no fear
blows your mind.
Samurai spirits running free
Have no fear
zondag 22 november 2009
Tax for every km and adittional taxes.Privacy allert
They tax me broke
GPS in my car . Why what have i done? tracking me all my moves.(point 6 below)
by the way the clown down here is our beloved harry potter (prime minister of misery)
So actually they want to tax the problem instead resolve the problem.
Bottomline we have to pay to stand in a traffic jam.
When they impose the tax some things change:
1_No tax payed for buying a car
2- regional taxes disappear.(so they say)
3- you have to pay per km. (this is a flexible amount)
No taxes required anymore when buying a new car sounds great.
So again the rich get richer and the ppoor poorer.
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
point 2:
They now want to create an new kind of tax. This tax has to be payed per civillian of our glorius f#@k country.
point 3:
You have to pay per km you drive.
6 cents per km and up
This depends on the age of the car etc. etc. etc.
i repeat
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
For me it probably means that i have to pay 3 times more i used to do.
.....to stand in a trafficjam going to and back from work.
this isnt just!
I dont have a choice have to work. Have to travel over the roades they dont fix.
Public transportation gets you nowhere and is very expensive.....VERY.
And they dont get you to work and back office hours they dont connect to they are not reliable
And sometimes almost not existing.
Point 4
our transportation sector will be taxed to per km (dont know how much but i think i dont even wanna know)
so maybe this will rise to.
They track it and store it in a huge datacentre.
I want to move to an other country
they really must love war
GPS in my car . Why what have i done? tracking me all my moves.(point 6 below)
by the way the clown down here is our beloved harry potter (prime minister of misery)
and yes how convenient he is a member of the clan of bilderbergers(the elite) also b*&ch the queen like the prime minister and minister verhagen(navo) members of the clan bilderberg(the elite). How conveniant. Wonder if this is legit beeing a spokesman for the people and talking to the richest and most powerfull people on earth. do you see conflicting things in this?
government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
please help to find me a nice country.
The political bastards in the netherlands want to tax the usage of the peoples cars
Every km u have to pay eurocents.The hight is depending on the age the car is and how much polution it inflicts.
when you hav an old car you might have to pay 9 eurcents eand when you have a brand new car you maybe have to pay 3 eurocents.
This means rich people can buy the newest and cleanest cars. And the poor suckers whit a minimal wager can pay the full costs.
There is no alternative cause dutch public transportation is realy bad,to expensive and in some places almost not existing(although this is a very small country).
Also nothing is done to improve the infrastructure, with the tax money payed in earlier days .
This is why we all have to wait in line (traffic jam) when we go to work and go back to home after working, every day!This problems with traffic jams actually is the excuse to tax us (it would resolve the problem??)
But there is no renewall of roads and so the known infrastructural problems keep excisting .So actually they want to tax the problem instead resolve the problem.
Bottomline we have to pay to stand in a traffic jam.
This would be oke if the prices were right and just.
When they impose the tax some things change:
1_No tax payed for buying a car
2- regional taxes disappear.(so they say)
3- you have to pay per km. (this is a flexible amount)
5-fuel prices keep the same prices(very high, 1,50 euro per liter petrol. This is because of taxes)
6-GPS box installed wich monitors every move.Point 1:
No taxes required anymore when buying a new car sounds great.
But .... You have to consider that a new car has high taxes this means when you buy a new car its suddenly very cheap.
But an old car hasnt got a high tax on the car so if you buy an old car you dont benifit.So again the rich get richer and the ppoor poorer.
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
point 2:
Regional taxes disappear......they said that.
It a lie. They now want to create an new kind of tax. This tax has to be payed per civillian of our glorius f#@k country.
Can you even understand such a thing?
This new taxes have to be created because the local governments loose to much income because of the new road tax ???!
So you tax them even more? insnity.
You have to pay per km you drive.
6 cents per km and up
This depends on the age of the car etc. etc. etc.
i repeat
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
For me it probably means that i have to pay 3 times more i used to do.
.....to stand in a trafficjam going to and back from work.
this isnt just!
I dont have a choice have to work. Have to travel over the roades they dont fix.
Public transportation gets you nowhere and is very expensive.....VERY.
And they dont get you to work and back office hours they dont connect to they are not reliable
And sometimes almost not existing.
Point 4

This means transportationsector will attract people from eastern europe
they work almost for nothing and lots of times they have their own truck (wich are not taxed).
Yes europe is "one" ut still very unfair concerning wages and other social things.
point 5
Fuel prices keep the alltime high prices at 1.50 euro per liter petrol here.
They dont change.
oke maybe ..... if they need to have more money they inflict a higher tax.so maybe this will rise to.
point 6
Least but not last. This will be a shock to u.
To make all this possible they want to build in a box , a gps box.
This box tracks you every km
Tracks every location time and all those things wich are possible with gps.They track it and store it in a huge datacentre.
And tan they bill u
So every step i make will be monitored every place i go.
we allready have no privacyAll our internet and phone data (incl. mobile phones) is stored in a central database.
Our biometric construction are being stored on a chip in our id's and also stored in a central databank.Our fingerprints are being stored in the chip of our id and in a central databank
camera surveillance is being installed everywhere. Easy to use if you have all the data concerning a person.
Our medical dossier is been stored centraly.
our justice dossier is stored centrally
Am i a crimenal??We truly live in the big brother age in this small ku*&king country.
The foto (down here) is our b*&ch the queen. Also like the prime minister and minister verhagen(navo) members of the clan bilderberg(the elite). How conveniant. Wonder if this is legit beeing a spokesman for the people and talking to the richest and most powerfull people on earth. do you see conflicting things in this? government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
European union whit their new constitution we (dutch people) really voted against!! but it has been shuffed through our throaths . 1 december this year we no longer are protected be decent constitutional law. it actually favours death penalty in some cases.
Our healthcare is beeing broken down because of immens big government cuts
Police has to much workpressure because they are to little in numbers and are more restricted because political rules and pressure. Also the police earn to little money for what they do. And they suffer because of to many and continuing big government cuts.
AOW they want and going to raise the age when u can go for elderly benifits. From 65 to 67 years.
And there is talk about raising the age even more.
This means the most hard working poorer population very often allready dies before 65 and most cant benifit from the old age . Again the rich wich commonly are healthier because of work conditions and beter food (wich they can afford) are the ones who have all the benifit off people dying before 67. They (the death) pay in a way the elderly benifits of the rich.
(elderly benifits is an insurance in this country paied for by all people)
Banks lost money , insurance companies lost money. Not because it a bad time but because they did stupid things whit it.
What does the government about this?
guess.....Yes right you are.
They help the banks and insurance companies whit finacial injections.
Those injections raise the debt of this small country . And all this is being a\calculated down to the people espacially the less fotunated. We have to pay more taxes. More cuts on healthcare police public transportation schools etc.
But we keep on investing warships
warplanes to play with
police action around the world
lets just forget about the people
I want to move to an other country
they really must love war
Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower'
The officer had been called to the girl's home in Ozark, Arkansas, by her mother because she was behaving in an unruly manner and refusing to take a shower.
In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said the mother gave him permission to use the Taser.
Policeman who used Taser gun on girl, 10, suspended When he arrived, the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in the shower before bed.
he said: "People here feel like that he made a mistake in using a Taser, and maybe he did, but we will not know until we get an impartial investigation." The local Police Chief Jim Noggle said no disciplinary action was taken against Bradshaw.
"We didn't use the Taser to punish the child, just to bring the child under control so she wouldn't hurt herself or somebody else," he said.
he said if the officer tried to forcefully put the girl in handcuffs, he could have accidentally broken her arm or leg.
Mr Noggle said the girl will face disorderly conduct charges as a juvenile.
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In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said the mother gave him permission to use the Taser.
Policeman who used Taser gun on girl, 10, suspended When he arrived, the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in the shower before bed.
the child was "violently kicking and verbally combative" when he tried to take her into custody and she kicked him in the groin
He then delivered "a very brief drive stun to her back," the report said.
the girl's father, Anthony Medlock, who is divorced from her mother, said the girl showed signs of emotional problems but did not deserve to be "treated like an animal".
He said: "Ten years old and they shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this.
"If you can't pick the kid up and take her to your car, handcuff her, then I don't think you need to be an officer. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. She's not a tiger." Local Mayor Vernon McDaniel said the FBI should investigate.He said: "Ten years old and they shot electricity through her body, and I want to know how the heck in God's green earth can they get away with this.
he said: "People here feel like that he made a mistake in using a Taser, and maybe he did, but we will not know until we get an impartial investigation." The local Police Chief Jim Noggle said no disciplinary action was taken against Bradshaw.
"We didn't use the Taser to punish the child, just to bring the child under control so she wouldn't hurt herself or somebody else," he said.
he said if the officer tried to forcefully put the girl in handcuffs, he could have accidentally broken her arm or leg.
Mr Noggle said the girl will face disorderly conduct charges as a juvenile.
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soya dangerous

Soy is a lucrative industry. According to Soyfoods Association of North America, from 1992 to 2008, sales of soy foods have increased from $300 million to $4 billion. From sales numbers to medical endorsements, it would seem that soy has reached a kind of miracle food status.
In 2000 the American Heart Association gave soy the thumbs up and the FDA proclaimed: "Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease." Over the course of the last decade medical professionals have touted its benefits in fighting not just cardiovascular disease, but cancers, osteoporosis and diabetes.
But soy's glory days may be coming to an end. New research is questioning its health benefits and even pointing out some potential risks. Although definitive evidence may be many years down the road, the American Heart Association has quietly withdrawn its support. And some groups are waging an all-out war, warning that soy can lead to certain kinds of cancers, lowered testosterone levels, and early-onset puberty in girls.
Most of the soy eaten today is also genetically modified, which may pose another set of health risks. The environmental implications of soy production, including massive deforestation, increased use of pesticides and threats to water and soil, are providing more fodder for soy's detractors.
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China - somehow survives the current onslaught of modernization
Pingyao and its residents have existed peacefully amid wild changes in China. The city is a popular destination for visitors who want to experience life inside the walls.
PINGYAO, China–Cobblestoned streets are closed to cars and filled with cyclists, some who ladle noodle soup from pots attached to their bikes. Lining these routes are hundreds of ancient government offices and traditional homes with sloped clay roofs and secluded courtyards.
Three-storey dun-coloured walls made of bricks and caked-on mud encircle it all, running six kilometres around the classical city and connecting 72 watch towers.
Such well-preserved cultural remnants are rare in China, where buildings are torn down and replaced with shiny skyscrapers at an amazing rate. But Pingyao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, somehow survived the carnage of the country's Cultural Revolution and the current onslaught of modernization. It's a place where visitors can venture back into a historic Middle Kingdom that has been bulldozed almost everywhere else.
So it's not surprising hordes of tourists from all over the country arm themselves with heavy cameras and breech the city's defences, descending from tour buses parked outside the gates to march on the souvenir stalls in the centre.
Jackie Deng, a lifelong resident who runs the popular Harmony Guesthouse, told me the city has received an increasing number of visitors in recent years.

Three-storey dun-coloured walls made of bricks and caked-on mud encircle it all, running six kilometres around the classical city and connecting 72 watch towers.
Such well-preserved cultural remnants are rare in China, where buildings are torn down and replaced with shiny skyscrapers at an amazing rate. But Pingyao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, somehow survived the carnage of the country's Cultural Revolution and the current onslaught of modernization. It's a place where visitors can venture back into a historic Middle Kingdom that has been bulldozed almost everywhere else.
So it's not surprising hordes of tourists from all over the country arm themselves with heavy cameras and breech the city's defences, descending from tour buses parked outside the gates to march on the souvenir stalls in the centre.

"It's especially popular on weekends," he said.
Deng explained the city was built in a turtle shape, with the south tower serving as the head, four gates representing the feet and the imposing central tower the heart. For some reason, while other cities – such as Beijing – had their walls razed either during the Cultural Revolution or afterwards, Pingyao was left alone way out in the middle of Shanxi province
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A new phase and greater dangers.
The coming to power of Hugo Chávez in 1998 represented an important change in the world situation. This was the first government to come to power which did not embrace the ruthless ideas of neo-liberalism which had dominated every government and ruling elite throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The coming to power of Chávez thus represented a significant positive development. The Chávez regime enacted a series of popular reforms, especially in health and education, which the CWI and workers in Venezuela and internationally enthusiastically supported.
The radical populist policies enacted by Chávez rapidly aroused the wrath of US imperialism and the Venezuelan ruling class which tried to overthrow it. The struggle in Venezuela has passed through different phases and twists and turns in the situation. Now it has entered a new and critical phase. Initially, Chávez spoke only of a ‘Bolivarian revolution’. A series of important reform programmes were initiated. The “Misiones” in health (Barrio Adentro) and education (Mision Robinson) were especially popular. One million were lifted out of illiteracy and millions were given access to a doctor for the first time. Three million were given access to primary and secondary school education. Over two million hectares of land have been distributed to peasant co-operatives since Chávez came to power in 1998. These reforms and other aspects of his programme rapidly brought his regime into open conflict with the oligarchs who had previously been in power and provoked the wrath of US imperialism.
The attempted coup in 2002 and then the bosses “lock-out” in 2002/3 were followed by a series of acts of sabotage, provoking shortages of commodities and electoral challenges. All these attempts at counter revolution were defeated. They were blocked by a massive, independent spontaneous movement of the masses from below. The defeat of these attempts at counter revolution represented important victories.
In 2005, spurred on by these events and the pressure from the mass of the poor and workers, Chávez went further and for the first time declared that the objectives of the Bolivarian revolution were now to build “Socialism in the 21st century”. This, for the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall, once again put the issue of socialism back on the political agenda and represented a positive development.
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The attempted coup in 2002 and then the bosses “lock-out” in 2002/3 were followed by a series of acts of sabotage, provoking shortages of commodities and electoral challenges. All these attempts at counter revolution were defeated. They were blocked by a massive, independent spontaneous movement of the masses from below. The defeat of these attempts at counter revolution represented important victories.
In 2005, spurred on by these events and the pressure from the mass of the poor and workers, Chávez went further and for the first time declared that the objectives of the Bolivarian revolution were now to build “Socialism in the 21st century”. This, for the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall, once again put the issue of socialism back on the political agenda and represented a positive development.
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Italy pushes for one army in the 'new Europe'

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said the Lisbon Treaty had established "that if some countries want to enter into reinforced co-operation between themselves they can do so".
This was already the case with the euro and the Schengen accords on frontier-free travel, and could now be applied to "common European defence".
Mr Frattini said yesterday: "We have finally concluded a never-ending story."The Lisbon Treaty, which comes into force next month, will be sealed tomorrow in an EU summit that will also choose an EU president and foreign minister.
Mr Frattini warned that "if we do not find a common foreign policy, there is the risk that Europe will become irrelevant. We will be bypassed by the G2 of America and China".More at
EU says it is Not Time to Recognize Palestinian State
The European Union has followed the United States in saying it is not ready to recognize Palestinian statehood, after Palestinian leaders declared they would seek that status at the United Nations.
Speaking to reporters in Brussels, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt of Sweden, which holds the rotating European Union presidency, said the time is not right for recognizing a Palestinian state.
"I do not think we are there yet," he said. "I would hope that we would be in a position to recognize a Palestinian state, but there has to be one first. So I think that is somewhat premature. We have said previously if you go back to what the European Union has said that we would be in a position to recognize a Palestinian state, but the conditions are not there as of yet."
Bildt said the European Union is discussing other steps to increase support for Palestinian aspirations. And at a press conference later in the day, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana offered strong backing for an eventual Palestinian state.
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military families against the war

Young lives are being sacrificed so that politicians can save face.
More athttp://www.mfaw.net/
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