GPS in my car . Why what have i done? tracking me all my moves.(point 6 below)
by the way the clown down here is our beloved harry potter (prime minister of misery)
and yes how convenient he is a member of the clan of bilderbergers(the elite) also b*&ch the queen like the prime minister and minister verhagen(navo) members of the clan bilderberg(the elite). How conveniant. Wonder if this is legit beeing a spokesman for the people and talking to the richest and most powerfull people on earth. do you see conflicting things in this?
government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
please help to find me a nice country.
The political bastards in the netherlands want to tax the usage of the peoples cars
Every km u have to pay eurocents.The hight is depending on the age the car is and how much polution it inflicts.
when you hav an old car you might have to pay 9 eurcents eand when you have a brand new car you maybe have to pay 3 eurocents.
This means rich people can buy the newest and cleanest cars. And the poor suckers whit a minimal wager can pay the full costs.
There is no alternative cause dutch public transportation is realy bad,to expensive and in some places almost not existing(although this is a very small country).
Also nothing is done to improve the infrastructure, with the tax money payed in earlier days .
This is why we all have to wait in line (traffic jam) when we go to work and go back to home after working, every day!This problems with traffic jams actually is the excuse to tax us (it would resolve the problem??)
But there is no renewall of roads and so the known infrastructural problems keep excisting .So actually they want to tax the problem instead resolve the problem.
Bottomline we have to pay to stand in a traffic jam.
This would be oke if the prices were right and just.
When they impose the tax some things change:
1_No tax payed for buying a car
2- regional taxes disappear.(so they say)
3- you have to pay per km. (this is a flexible amount)
5-fuel prices keep the same prices(very high, 1,50 euro per liter petrol. This is because of taxes)
6-GPS box installed wich monitors every move.Point 1:
No taxes required anymore when buying a new car sounds great.
But .... You have to consider that a new car has high taxes this means when you buy a new car its suddenly very cheap.
But an old car hasnt got a high tax on the car so if you buy an old car you dont benifit.So again the rich get richer and the ppoor poorer.
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
point 2:
Regional taxes disappear......they said that.
It a lie. They now want to create an new kind of tax. This tax has to be payed per civillian of our glorius f#@k country.
Can you even understand such a thing?
This new taxes have to be created because the local governments loose to much income because of the new road tax ???!
So you tax them even more? insnity.
You have to pay per km you drive.
6 cents per km and up
This depends on the age of the car etc. etc. etc.
i repeat
I cant buy a new car so i pay almost the full amount asked for the car and on top of that i have to pay the highest tax per km because its an old car and "polutes".
For me it probably means that i have to pay 3 times more i used to do. stand in a trafficjam going to and back from work.
this isnt just!
I dont have a choice have to work. Have to travel over the roades they dont fix.
Public transportation gets you nowhere and is very expensive.....VERY.
And they dont get you to work and back office hours they dont connect to they are not reliable
And sometimes almost not existing.
Point 4

This means transportationsector will attract people from eastern europe
they work almost for nothing and lots of times they have their own truck (wich are not taxed).
Yes europe is "one" ut still very unfair concerning wages and other social things.
point 5
Fuel prices keep the alltime high prices at 1.50 euro per liter petrol here.
They dont change.
oke maybe ..... if they need to have more money they inflict a higher maybe this will rise to.
point 6
Least but not last. This will be a shock to u.
To make all this possible they want to build in a box , a gps box.
This box tracks you every km
Tracks every location time and all those things wich are possible with gps.They track it and store it in a huge datacentre.
And tan they bill u
So every step i make will be monitored every place i go.
we allready have no privacyAll our internet and phone data (incl. mobile phones) is stored in a central database.
Our biometric construction are being stored on a chip in our id's and also stored in a central databank.Our fingerprints are being stored in the chip of our id and in a central databank
camera surveillance is being installed everywhere. Easy to use if you have all the data concerning a person.
Our medical dossier is been stored centraly.
our justice dossier is stored centrally
Am i a crimenal??We truly live in the big brother age in this small ku*&king country.
The foto (down here) is our b*&ch the queen. Also like the prime minister and minister verhagen(navo) members of the clan bilderberg(the elite). How conveniant. Wonder if this is legit beeing a spokesman for the people and talking to the richest and most powerfull people on earth. do you see conflicting things in this? government --- multinationals and banks ? this must be legal . LOL
European union whit their new constitution we (dutch people) really voted against!! but it has been shuffed through our throaths . 1 december this year we no longer are protected be decent constitutional law. it actually favours death penalty in some cases.
Our healthcare is beeing broken down because of immens big government cuts
Police has to much workpressure because they are to little in numbers and are more restricted because political rules and pressure. Also the police earn to little money for what they do. And they suffer because of to many and continuing big government cuts.
AOW they want and going to raise the age when u can go for elderly benifits. From 65 to 67 years.
And there is talk about raising the age even more.
This means the most hard working poorer population very often allready dies before 65 and most cant benifit from the old age . Again the rich wich commonly are healthier because of work conditions and beter food (wich they can afford) are the ones who have all the benifit off people dying before 67. They (the death) pay in a way the elderly benifits of the rich.
(elderly benifits is an insurance in this country paied for by all people)
Banks lost money , insurance companies lost money. Not because it a bad time but because they did stupid things whit it.
What does the government about this?
guess.....Yes right you are.
They help the banks and insurance companies whit finacial injections.
Those injections raise the debt of this small country . And all this is being a\calculated down to the people espacially the less fotunated. We have to pay more taxes. More cuts on healthcare police public transportation schools etc.
But we keep on investing warships
warplanes to play with
police action around the world
lets just forget about the people
I want to move to an other country
they really must love war