dinsdag 24 november 2009

State Secretary Ank Bijleveld (CDA)reported the distribution(at the justice department) of a leaflet which are zalling for people to tattoo their social security numbers tattooed on the arm.

Respect for thi really good action for the humanright of privacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Respect! LOL. very nice
State Secretary Ank Bijleveld (CDA The netherlands)reported the distribution(at the justice department) of a leaflet which are zalling for people to tattoo their social security numbers tattooed on the arm. This, the Ministry announced Tuesday.

The leaflet has recently distributed door-to-door in several places, including the four big cities. The layout gives the impression the folder coming from the government, which "obviously not" the case, reports the bijleveld.

Bijleveld calls the folder tasteless, including the associations with the Holocaust because that folder might pose. She hopes that people realize that the folder does not come from the government and that they must not get confused.

The folder is the logo of the national government, together with the text "The New Kingdom goes further than you think. It seems to be a stunt that a group called the 'New Kingdom' protests against the central storage of fingerprints to be taken in issuing new passports.

"Have you seen a new Dutch passport or identity card applications?", Is in the folder. "Are you taking fingerprints stored in the central database, please read this leaflet. And now let ,for free, tattoo your citizen service number,on your arm"


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