Then the expeditions suddenly stopped. Cheng-ho's adventures had helped to ruin Ming finances. The emperors put a halt to sea trade and closed the shipbuilding industry; China looked inward for the next four centuries. The expeditions to the "Western Seas" were a glorious aberration. Now, at the dawn of the 21st century, the world is looking to China to assume an unfamiliar role of global leadership. At a time when American prestige is fading, China's status is rising.
.President Barack Obama arrives in China next week seeking help on everything from climate change to North Korea's nuclear threat. At meetings of the Group of 20 nations, China's opinions are urgently sought on issues such as banking reform and executive pay. Persuading China to take a lead will be a challenge.
History has done little to prepare this country for the kind of leadership that an anxious international community seems so ready to thrust on it.
Unlike the U.S., China doesn't aspire to remake the world: Its longstanding mantra is "nonintervention" in the internal affairs of other countrieshttp://ow.ly/CgO0